The “tool boxes” created by teenagers through the application are rich with information to help you work with them when they are in a state of distress or vulnerability. We therefore believe that the mobile App RÉSO.COOL can be used as an intervention tool. To better use this tool, we invite you to fill it out with them. Once they have filled their “tool box” they will have the opportunity to share it with the members of their RÉSO (in PDF format) so that you as a help provider can refer to it at a later time in order to better help when needed.
An animation guide as well as a PowerPoint presentation are available for those who wish to use RÉSO during a group awareness session. It’s an activity that aims at raising awareness to the importance of having a well filled tool box in order to help maintain our good mental health.
In order to support and guide you in this role we have put together useful bits of information within this very site;
You will find more information on the application and its features on this website. Click here for more infomation about RÉSO.
Click here or scroll to the bottom of this page in order to view the presentation guide for the App. The guide can be used in order to present the App in a group setting but can also be used as a step-by-step tutorial on how to optimally use RÉSO with your youth clientele.
The application contains the resources available at any time by phone or text message that RESO’s users can refer to for support er for talking to someone.
A directory of the different help resources available around RESO’s user. They are divided into categories for an easiest search!
A link so that you can also download the App so that you can go through it in order to better understand its inner workings, but also so that you can use it yourself if you feel inspired to.